Virtual Studio Packages for Rent from Rentex

Virtual Studio Packages

from Rentex

Our virtual studio packages are designed for easy delivery, setup, and strike.

They can be setup almost anywhere (your warehouse, a ballroom, a temporary venue, etc.)!

Add your technical talent, content, and a little drape and carpet...

No one will know you are streaming from a warehouse (or wherever)!

We are currently offering 3 basic packages:

A Projection Package, a ROE LED Package, and an Absen LED Package.

Choose one and customize from there! See package details below.

Watch our video below for examples

Request A Quote

Virtual Studio Quote Request Form
Please enter your information to complete your quote request. Rentex will never share your information.
We will email your quote within one business day or less. If you need it sooner, please call us at 800.574.1702.
First Name
Last Name
Rental Start Date
Rental End Date
Delivery or Pickup (please select one):
If Pickup, please select location:
If delivering, please include city, state, and zip code below:
Delivery City
Delivery State
Delivery Zip Code
Please enter the Virtual Studio Package You're Interested In - Projection or LED (Absen or ROE)